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Contact Us

 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3047, Sonora, CA 95370

Our email address: csasaudubon@gmail.com

Note: The officers’ email addresses are obfuscated. If you are having problems when clicking to use the email address, right-click and copy the email address. You would be unable to right-click on tablets or cell phones.

Office Name and Email
President Tom Parrington
Vice President, Programs Ralph Retherford
Past President Barry Boulton
Treasurer Linda Millspaugh
Secretary Jean Dakota
Field Trip Chair Kit DeGear
Membership Linda Millspaugh
Publicity Jan Jorn-Baird
Newsletter Editor Barry Boulton
Scholarship Gail Witzlsteiner
Education Kit DeGear
Web Site Barry Boulton
Hospitality Gail Witzlsteiner
Bird Box Trail Gail Witzlsteiner
Book Sales
Yosemite Stanislaus Solutions Walt Kruse
Sonora Christmas Bird Count Kit DeGear
Calaveras Christmas Bird Count Keith Maurer
Angels Camp Christmas Bird Count Bruce McClenahan
Birdhouse Sales Jean Dakota